Rigidized Metals Corporation

Triangle Park at Three PNC Plaza Offers Respite in Pittsburgh

Triangle Park at 1PNC Plaza - ATI2003® InvariMatte® Micro Texture

Two Local Companies Donate Material & Workmanship

Pittsburgh, PA – Triangle Park is a calm oasis among the hustle and bustle of Downtown Pittsburgh. There are handsome benches under a stainless steel canopy to provide shade and protection from rain and snow. The park which opened in late 2009 debuted in time for the G20 Summit meeting held here that fall. President Barack Obama was among the dignitaries both national and international that attended.

The park is the result of donations by two Pittsburgh area companies, Contrarian Micro Textures and ATI. ATI donated the materials for ATI 2003® lean duplex stainless steel with Contrarian Micro Textures’ InvariMatte® low glare finish. Contrarian donated the workers’ time to finish the stainless steel which was used on the benches, canopies and a large monolithic sign.

The park was designed by landscape architect LaQuatra Bonci Associated in conjunction with Structural Engineers, the Kachele Group and PNC. Technique fabricated and installed the project. The result is a handsome, peaceful place that serves as a base to Three PNC Plaza, Pittsburgh’s newest skyscraper, as a meeting place between the cultural district and Market Square.


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