Rigidized Metals Corporation

Paper Published on the Vipertex® 1EHT Tube by Authors from The Petroleum Institute and Isotherm Inc.

Single phase heat transfer and pressure drop analysis of a dimpled enhanced tube


Ming Li, Tariq S. Khan, Ebrahim Al-Hajri
Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Zahid H. Ayub
Isotherm Inc., Arlington, USA

A non-dimensional performance evaluation criterion (PEC) was used to assess the thermal-hydraulic performance of heat transfer enhancement achieved with the Vipertex® 1EHT enhanced tube. Based on the experimental data, Nusselt number and friction factor estimation correlations were proposed for the enhanced tube. Simulations were carried out to obtain heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of smooth and enhanced tubes, using commercial Fluent.

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