Rigidized Metals Corporation

No Sweat Roof Solution in Deep Textured Metal

WINTER STUDIO 2014: The Sweat Lodge

After the polar vortex blizzard shut down day one, the +FARM winter studio team successfully designed, fabricated, and constructed a 7 person sweat lodge in 3-1/2 days. Even with the late start, and a Saturday rain storm the crew shed their cumbersome cloaks for a little summer skin to sweat it out! The project rightfully named: SoftCore-HardForm, was based on the concept of a hard knife exterior to cut wind and snow loads on the structure while gently wrapping the body with a warm soft interior.

Winter Studio Team:
Christin Hu
Michael McDowell
Solomon Oh
Lavender Tessmer
Stephanie Vito

Joseph Vidich
William Haskas

Metal Fabricator
Tim Brewster – T&T Welding

Stainless Steel
Rigidized® Metals Corporation

A very special thank you to Jason Schindler + Chip Skop at Rigidized® Metals.

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