Publication date
Chemical Engineering Transactions
Volume 76
An experimental investigation was performed, and results are presented here for an evaporation and condensation heat transfer study that took place using enhanced heat transfer (1EHT) tubes of different outside diameters. Results were compared to the performance of a smooth surface copper tube. The equivalent outer diameter of the horizontal copper tubes considered were 12.7 mm (0.5 in) and 19.05 mm (0.75 in). The test apparatus included a straight horizontal test section with an active length heated by water. Constant heat flux was maintained and refrigerant quality varied.
Buffalo Benches Project
/0 Comments/in Fabrication, Texture/by Beth NeelRigidized® Metals recently created some custom benches for the Buffalo Benches Project through the University at Buffalo, which brings unique seating options to the ever-growing developments along the Buffalo River. Our stainless steel benches, all made with pattern 6WL®, are featured in the “Bent Over Backwards” section of the image in the article, below. Check it out!
Rigidized® Metals Awarded with Manufacturing Award
/0 Comments/in Events/by Beth NeelRigidized® Metals has been awarded a 2019 Manufacturing Award for Community Involvement from Business First! We are honored to receive this award and always strive to give back to our local community.